Keangnam Enterprises’ interior business information is as follows.
“Keangnam Enterprises provides a total solution for innovative interior designs.”
Keangnam Enterprises, based on its long-accumulated work experience and capability, provides the best interior service solutions that can satisfy diverse client requirements ranging from residential space to commercial/office space, and demonstrates creative, innovative space through newly interpreting the interior concept.
Interior Work Process
Keangnam Enterprises puts all its efforts into creating a space preferred by customers based on its excellent planning ability, skilled technological prowess and strict service mind set to impress customers.
Customer Request Acquirement of Client’s Goal and Basic InformationSTEP.02
Basic Planning Establishment of Design Concept & Basic Plan through Space AnalysisSTEP.03
Contract Signing Signing of Agreement/Contract Based on Proposed Design Concept & QuotationSTEP.04
Construction/Supervision Systematic Construction & ManagementSTEP.05
In-site Survey Specialized Personnel’s Site Analysis & Application of Client’s OpinionsSTEP.06
Presentation Submission of Proposal & Execution of PresentationSTEP.07
Actual Design Actual Design Prepared by Advisory Panel from Each Industry & Specialized Personnel from Keangnam EnterprisesSTEP.08
Follow-up Management Responsible A/S for Repairing Defects